Wednesday, January 23, 2008

in the moment

i'm fiercely attached to my moments. it's not quite like having a photographic memory, since it's not based on the visual. but i imagine a rolodex of images and thoughts and seconds, tiny blips of memory i flip through. i don't forget things. makes my head hurt, actually.

so i remember exactly what i was thinking and the tone of your voice and how the skin around your lips moved and what shoes i was wearing for all of it.

yes, this is a marker, a thing on the way, so i remember where i was when i get somewhere else.


YoucancallmeJOE said...


GPS is the modern alternative to finding your own way -- not quite the same though I've used it on occasion - lacks something in personal growth however.

nice to see you!

luna_lux said...

if i could find a legal way to get an implant, you know i'd be there in a heartbeat. i think. :) nice to see you again.