Wednesday, January 16, 2008


i've been watching with great interest this post on the slave register boards. and i suppose after the initial thrown-for-a-loop regarding the perspective on my own life, i'm still amazed that the conversation continues.

i'm perfectly okay with the perspective that if i have a job, or a child, or a sick family member that interferes with my ability to prioritize my owner's needs then i cannot be a slave.

that's fine.

what i think perhaps is a better way to phrase it is that i cannot be *their* slave.

which is also fine.

i think it's incredibly unrealistic to imagine that there is never going to be anything that de-prioritizes the owner's needs. granted, some interferences (children, for example) are a longer-term "interference" than others. but ultimately, the whole thing is supposed to be about giving the owner what they want. and if what they want is kids in their life, or a second income, or a slave who can find room in their heart to care for others, then - that's really all that matters.

i honestly don't care if someone considers me to be something other than what i know myself to be.

i'm being less articulate than i'd like to be about this, but i think it's a pretty plain answer, so it doesn't need a lot of dress up.

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