Tuesday, April 8, 2008

get what you give

"can you feel your heart pumping
when it goes fast, you go fast
when it goes medium, you go medium
when it goes slow, you go slooooooow..."


i've had a few people recently point out that i'm very lucky in my relationship with my owner, and that i've found some balance and peace lately. there's no question that i am very, very lucky. my owner is an amazing person, we seem to be fitting together very well so far, and despite the every day challenges of daily existence, i'm a better person all around for this. there's a note of envy sometimes with the comments, and sometimes i hear the question behind it.

it's pretty simple, i think. you get what you give. it doesn't really matter the particulars of what you're looking for in a relationship, ultimately - because you're only going to receive what you're putting out there. so, my shop-worn faux-zen advice:

- want someone to love you? love yourself.
- want someone with an aesthetically beautiful body? make damned sure you're pleased with your own.
- need financial security in your partner? be able to support yourself if it comes down to it.
- want someone who will be obsessive about controlling your every move? be able to keep your own self under control when necessary.
- looking for someone who is happy? BE happy.

BE happy.

(song credit to a beautiful and happy 5 year old who's wise beyond his years.)

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