Sunday, May 4, 2008

pet peeve #2

maneuvering through the internet is like bumper cars. you're just zipping along nicely, not really with any destination in mind, once in a while gently bumping, backing up and going again, and then BLAM! sideways, and you're suddenly outta the car and hafta figure out how to get back in while not being run over completely.

i've learned a few things, small tiny things, that help me filter through to the folks i can somehow connect with:

1. if you refer to submission as a gift, we're not on the same page.
2. if your primary picture is of your genitals, i'm probably not sure where your head is at.
3. if you write in all caps, then you're too old for me to have much in common with.
4. if you write in sentences that include "u" for "you" and "r" for "are" you're too young for me.
5. if you feel the need to write a novel in your introduction, i'm probably reading it with a huge sense of enjoyment, and marvelling at the time you've got on your hands.
5. if you include physical motions in your writing like this:

:::smiles softly:::
:::rolls eyes:::

'nuf said.

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