Monday, December 1, 2008


not surprisingly, one of the biggest reliefs of this relationship is having someone else responsible for making decisions. i'm not saying that i abdicate responsibility for my life, the things i do, and the repercussions (although it would be far easier to do that), but that the complete stress of making important decisions on my own is eradicated.

maybe it's not any different in egalitarian relationships. which i know very little about.

the weight of what my owner has chosen to do for "our" future is pretty big. it's not just me that's making changes, big ones, in order to accommodate a potential future together. it make me that much more wary of fucking this all up, because i know damned well what he's prioritizing, and while it's flattering and special and etc., it's pretty damned scary, too.

i'm overthinking this. he is, too, i think.

everything is almost packed. i can't find the cheese grater. here's a pic of what it looks like, if you find it.

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